Sunday, March 27, 2011

David L. Fleming, S.J.

David L. Fleming, S.J. was born into eternal life on March 22, 2011.  In his honor I wish to post his translation of the Principal and Foundation, from his book Draw Me Into Your Friendship: A Literal Translation & a Contemporary Reading of The Spiritual Exercises.  Thank you, David, for sharing your life, gifts and friendship with us.

God who loves us creates us and wants to share life with us forever.  Our love response takes shape in our praise and honor and service of the God of our life.

All the things in this world are also created because of God's love and they become a context of gifts, presented to us so that we can know God more easily and make a return of love more readily.

As a result, we show reverence for all the gifts of creation and collaborate with God in using them so that by being good stewards we develop as loving persons in our care for God's world and its development.  But if we abuse any of these gifts of creation or, on the contrary, take them as the center of our lives, we break relationship with God and hinder our growth as loving persons.

In everyday life, then, we must hold ourselves in balance before all created gifts insofar as we have a choice and are not bound by some responsibility.  We should not fix our desires on health or sickness, wealth or poverty, success or failure, a long life or a short one.  For everything has the potential of calling forth in us a more loving response to our life forever with God.

Our only desire and our one choice should be this: I want and I choose what better leads to God's deepening life in me.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Making Space

I once heard a talk from John Foley, S.J. in which he used an image that has stayed with me.  The image is a closed fist versus an open palm.  If we cling to what we have (a closed fist) we are not open to receive whatever gift someone may offer.  If we let go of our attachment to what we have (for instance, to possessions, honor, pride - things that get in the way of embracing our total dependence upon God), we become free to receive whatever gifts God wishes to give.  Simple to say perhaps.  Not so easy to live ... a surrendered, free life full of gratitude.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The other day while praying, I noticed an empty nest, and the following poem came to me.  Enjoy!


Birds don't sit around
in their empty nests.
Why should we?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Blessing

Victor, our guide for the walk through a rainforest in Costa Rica, asked the usual question while driving us back from the tour.  "I am retired," I said, "but spend much of my time doing ministry work."  "Like for a church?" he asked.  And I answered in the affirmative.

Victor proceeded to tell me his story.  That he became a believer at the age of nineteen.  When being operated on for a brain tumor, he died and went to heaven for awhile.  He said that he visited the room being prepared for him, and he wanted to stay there, but someone (an angel?) told him that it was not yet the time for him - that his room was not yet fully prepared, and that he had work to do.  He was meant to help people.

Victor, now middle aged, also told me that the doctors said that he would never have children.  "Just more of the miracle," he explained, "today I have two lovely daughters."

Then after we had arrived, Victor turned his attention to me.  Looking into my eyes, he said, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift.  You are meant to help people" Victor told me.  And then he gave me a blessing.

The photos above are of a Common Basilisk lizard (the kind that can run on the surface of water) and a Tiger Heron.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Costa Rica

Fishing in Costa Rica: Fantastic.

Spending a week with my son: Priceless.