Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Blessing

Victor, our guide for the walk through a rainforest in Costa Rica, asked the usual question while driving us back from the tour.  "I am retired," I said, "but spend much of my time doing ministry work."  "Like for a church?" he asked.  And I answered in the affirmative.

Victor proceeded to tell me his story.  That he became a believer at the age of nineteen.  When being operated on for a brain tumor, he died and went to heaven for awhile.  He said that he visited the room being prepared for him, and he wanted to stay there, but someone (an angel?) told him that it was not yet the time for him - that his room was not yet fully prepared, and that he had work to do.  He was meant to help people.

Victor, now middle aged, also told me that the doctors said that he would never have children.  "Just more of the miracle," he explained, "today I have two lovely daughters."

Then after we had arrived, Victor turned his attention to me.  Looking into my eyes, he said, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift.  You are meant to help people" Victor told me.  And then he gave me a blessing.

The photos above are of a Common Basilisk lizard (the kind that can run on the surface of water) and a Tiger Heron.


Belle said...

What a wonderful story Victor has to tell! Thanks for passing it on.

Maggid said...

Yep - you bless people - i am one of them.
All Best to You,