Tuesday, February 22, 2011

As the Rays Are to the Sun

I just love sunny days, especially in the winter.  Reminds me of a part of the Contemplation to Attain Love in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola "I will consider how all good things and gifts descend from above; for example, my limited power from the Supreme and Infinite Power above; and so of justice, goodness, piety, mercy, and so forth - just as the rays come down from the sun, or the rains from their source."

May the light of God, the light of Love, shine through you this and every day.


Belle said...

Beautiful words, beautiful painting!

Anonymous said...

Just about an hour ago at the library I picked up a copy of The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius ...it was on the For Sale cart and I was wondering if you had it.

The painting looks terrific.
